L’esplanade wins award
2007/12/20- In 2007, L’esplanade was awarded the ICSC Prize (International Council of Shopping Centres) ‘ReStore’. This prize recognises the best shopping centre project (carried out through a public-private partnership) helping to improve the living conditions of the neighbourhood into which it is integrated. icsc.org
- L’esplanade also won the Urbanicom Prize ‘Etoile d’Or’. Awarded to the three actors of the project: the Catholic University of Louvain, the Municipality of Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve and the sponsor-developer Wilhelm & Co, this prize recognises the urban and commercial added value that L’esplanade brings to the university city.
- Peter Wilhelm was made an Honorary Citizen of the Province of Walloon Brabant for his contribution to the development of the city of Louvain-la Neuve.